Vibrant and Romantic Wedding Near the Sea

Giannis & Olga

Vibrant, and romantic, Aegina was the destination of a lifetime for Gianni and Olga.

They had always dreamt of a by the sea, cozy, wedding, only their family and few friends to be their witnesses. They both longed for a warm, festive family wedding.

This wedding was successfully brought to fruition by compiling all the loving details that celebrated their love. Passion red, icy silver, bouvardia white and touches of eucalyptus green was a sensational color palette for that happy event.

Big wreaths with orchids, lavender roses, pink roses, lysianthus, veronica and limonium were the ideal combination to exude festivity, romantic atmosphere and fresh tones.

The after shooting was at Aegina’s light house, in the majestic sun set.

An all-chic, romantic atmosphere that set the tone of a life dedicated to love… between a man and a woman and everyone’s happily ever after!

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